Some people may not know this, but long before my husband Seth was doing youth ministry he was a graphic designer. (A VERY talented graphic designer actually.) Since Seth has worked for the church, he has been the “Director of Creative Arts” which basically means he is over all of the media aspects of the church. From the graphic design, the video, lights, and any other digital production. He also is always working on some freelance stuff in his very minimal spare time. When Seth does something he puts every ounce of himself into it, and as a result it stretches his talent and constantly takes it to new levels and he just becomes very knowledgeable and efficient in those certain areas. For a while now it has been harder for him to maintain the Creative Arts Department because of the growth of the youth group. We are currently running anywhere between 60 and 90 students and it is just becoming more and more consuming and as a result, more difficult for him to do both jobs.
Well, on the other side, I have struggled since I moved here on finding a way to release all of this creative energy that I get all built up. I work in an administrative position at the church, which I love and am so thankful for, but it is definitely not an area that I am super passionate about. I was talking to my boss the other day and we both had this huge epiphany. It was one of those things where you wonder why the heck you hadn’t thought of it already. So basically my gifts all center around fine arts and creative arts. I can do other things, and I do, but I thrive in the creative and artistic arenas. I am already pretty heavily involved in the Fine Arts departments here at the church, but being a worship leader that basically comes by default. Still, the majority of my energy goes towards being an administrative assistant, and the journalism, but it is not what I am passionate about. I am passionate about art and inspiration, self expression and creating connections for people. So as of this past week, the door has been opened for me to do this in my workplace. I am being moved from an administrative position to a more fitting position in the Creative Arts Department as a graphic designer. I see it as an incredible promotion. As a result, I have spent many hours lately learning all of the software and am just about efficient enough to make the official transition. I am very excited about this. I love that my leadership believes in cultivating the gifts that God has given you rather than throwing you into an area that you don’t have a heart for. In the middle of all of this I also got given a big project that I am super excited about. We are starting a media driven church newsletter/magazine and it is now “my baby.” I guess I will more or less be an executive editor over it... whatever you want to call it, I am totally thrilled about it and honored to be placed in charge of such a big project. God is already opening some amazing doors through this new found skill and passion and I can’t wait to see where it takes me.
So I’m still at the beginner level, but here’s a couple of my Photoshop creations. I’ve mostly been doing personal things while I learn. Today was the first day for me to venture into my already growing to-list at church… I’m sure I will continue to use my new knowledge for personal use and I might possibly post some of my church work here and there.

These are some banners I made, I just couldn't get the top one to the point that I wanted it, so I am obviously currently using the black one.