Thursday, June 26, 2008

Jimmy Choo Shoes

Jimmy Choo Shoes are simply fabuous.
I believe it was Court who introduced this amazing shoe line to me a while ago and my wardrobe have never been the same.
Although Mr. Choo is not the actual designer, his name alone makes this the perfect shoe.

Jimmy Choo Cake...


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

playing catch up!

I haven't posted much on here lately. It's definitely not from a lack of creativity, one thing I do make time for every day is searching for and discovering creative inspiration. Life has just been ridiculously hectic. I don't ever remember a time in my life where I was this busy. I look at this as a good thing, I am learning to handle more things at once and my life is constantly growing in one way or another! With the newest growth spurt I have become overly dependent on this little miracle that we like to call the coffee bean... so I thought what better way to get back in the swing of things than to give a tribute to this little guy!


and after....

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Close to my Heart

Belize, Central America was devastated early Sunday morning by Tropical Storm Arthur. This was the storm that developed from the remnants of Tropical Storm Alma, which hit Nicaragua on the Pacific Coast earlier in the week. Most Belize residents are reporting that this is the first time they have seen such a devastating storm in their lifetime, including the occurrence of tornadoes. Over 12 inches of rain fell across the country, swelling rivers out of their banks. Most of the major roads and bridges are totally destroyed, which has made it impossible to get to the hardest-hit areas by land. The banana, citrus and shrimp industries have been destroyed. The oil industry is shut down because access to the deep water port at Independence Village has been cut off.

Sadly, Gales Point, the village of our dear friend, Pastor Lloyd Welch, was also almost totally destroyed. This place is very dear and precious to me and the teams that have traveled to Belize with us over the years. I have done missions work there for years, and have many other friends there.

The nephew of Baptist pastor Chester Ritchie watched helplessly as the flood waters swept away his wife, his 14-year old daughter and 11 year-old son. Their lifeless bodies were discovered hours later. Other lives have been lost, and several bodies have yet to be recovered.

Parts of Belize were greatly affected by a hurricane just last year. Emergency calls are going out for food, water, clothing and medicine. If I can raise the support, we can bring a team there immediately to assist.

Please pray for Belize, Pastor Welch, and the massive relief effort that is already underway. If you want to help tangibly, we will be sure to direct it to the heart of the need. Communication is difficult, but I will keep you posted as more information is made available.

These were taken at Gales Point, the peninsula mentioned above, that is without a doubt one of my most favorite places in the world. I have found enough peace, humility, and clarity on that small strip of peninsula to last me a lifetime.

Happy Pills

How amazingly fun and refreshing does this place look? Today would be a perfect day for a visit, if only I lived on the other side of the world...